Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Sweet Post It Note Flowers Tute

Here are the simple book page ornaments we've made for our little tabletop trees. 

 I call them Post It Note Flowers because they work up beautifully using a 3" x 3" square of paper,
 so in a leap of naming logic there ya go. 

 They are really origami kusadama flowers and they've been around forever.

 I'll give you a link to an origami website at the end of this post in case my instructions lead you hopelessly astray. ; 0 )

                     Start with a post it note or any size of paper as long as it is perfectly square. 

                 IF YOU USE post it notes, you will start with the gummy side at the bottom right
                                        and gently separate the layers if they become stuck.

Fold bottom to top, then sides in to form a diamond, then fold each side out from the middle.
Unfold each side "wing" so it looks like a kite, then fold the top of these side kites inwards so now you will have a middle kite shape with matching side triangles. Fold each triangle once inwards.
                                  Roll into a cone and hot glue the two folded sides in the middle. 
                   You need at least five to form a flower shape, tho I have seen them with more. 
               Hot glue all the cones together and don't worry if you have a little gap in the center, 
                                     even real flowers have a little opening in their middle.

We've made ours out of vintage dictionary pages to go along with our simple white Christmas theme.

And the Live, Laugh, Love ornaments?
 Simply book pages cut into small rectangles then Mod Podged onto Christmas balls.
 I hand wrote the words on each ball with a Pigma pen, then sealed them all with clear acrylic. 
 You could also use a Cricut or Silhouette for the words,
 or print them and cut them out to match the book pages and Mod Podge them on. 

 Simple, pretty and inexpensive. We like!

Here is a link to a real origami website with great instructions and lots of samples for these pretty flowers...


  1. I love these, I've seen them before and I know I've saved the instructions but I just saved yours too that way I should certainly figure them out when I find time to try them!! :)

  2. I have tried to make those flowers & they always never turn out for me. Yours look awesome! I would love for you to link this up to Wickedly Crafty Saturdays at Wiccan Make Some Too!

  3. Those are brilliant! Thanks for the step by step tutorial.

    Take care,

  4. those are so sweet. I love the paper.

  5. Love your book page projects. Very cute. I might have to try this idea!

  6. Thank you for the tute! I am going to have to try these! Yeah!
    Hugs- Tete

  7. Thanks for the tutorial-I'll have to try these sometime this winter!

  8. I just love this idea...maybe I will have some time next week to make some:)


    I’m hosting a CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE on 12/9…would love to have you join in on the FUN!!!

  9. Beautiful! I'll be trying these soon.

  10. Ann - These are adorable. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you are enjoying your week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  11. These are such lovely ornaments. I enjoy kusudama origami folding too and made some for bookmark dangles

  12. We are hoping to maki balls like this some time this week. Thanks for the tips on how to do it. The flowers are just lovely!

  13. These are lovely! Very...very beautiful!

  14. Very pretty! And I LOVE the book paper. What a great twist! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesdays!

  15. BEAUTIFUL!!!! These are so sweet and fragile looking. Thanks for linking up!

  16. Ann, I showed my son your post and told him to make me some of those for my tree, he is TOTALLY into origami, and was happy to do it.

    Thanks for the inspiration once again, LOVE It.... and THANK you for linking to **Amaze me AUgust**

    Oh and come enter my giveaway sweety, I have worked hard at putting it together for my dear supporters, which you are one of, :) There are SEVEN prizes, One winner, and it ends tommorrow dec 10th, so hurry....

    Thanks again,

    Bella :)

  17. Oh and HOW are you feeling?? I hope you are doing well, take care my friend. I hope you are enjoying this holiday season, and I am loving all the projects you are doing.

    Guess what, I just have to tell you, that cabinet makeover, you did, I got one for FREE from the trash a few weeks back, and am just waiting for the time to redo it, thanks to your inspiration. So THANK YOU!!!

    Bella :)


  18. Very pretty! And I Love it. You make such lovely flowers book!

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